Jan 3, 2010

Saying Yes.

Have you ever read the book Yes Man? or at least watched the movie? I prefer the book honestly but that's not the point. The point is I'm in that state where I'm constantly saying no.

Or at least saying yes at first, then finding some lame excuses not to go.

I don't think a lot of people notice. Some persistent friends do. I suppose I should start saying Yes more. Though I definitely won't be Yes Girl who says Yes to everything. *gasp* What if a stranger offers a chocolate to me and ask me to step into his van? What if a sleazy guy walks up to me in a bar and says, "Let's go somewhere where we can be alone?"

Okay both unlikely scenarios, since I am on a diet and also I don't go to bars. But still... saying Yes to everything can be dangerous.

Here's a little Yes that I was trying desperately to change into a pathetic, excuse-giving No. A friend offered me a job designing logo for her company. Something that I always said I want to try and when an opportunity is handed right to my face... all I want to do is run away. So, lunch meeting later to discuss stuff. Gah!

Also, while we're talking about resolutions (which I've made plenty of btw) and one of them I've been keeping up quite well is to exercise six times a week. :D Actually you're supposed to have two rest days in a week (or so I read), however one of those six days is really a relaxing, short detox yoga... AND also, I feel quite restless if I don't exercise for a day. I've managed to keep this up for a month so let me see if I can keep it up for a year. You could probably already guessed that another related resolution is to lose weight right?

Yeah. Some people have vanity for their reason or health. Those are some of my reasons anyway but the main reason why I want to lose weight is rather silly. It motivates me like hell anyway, so have a listen (and laugh if you want to) my boyfie used to be able to give me piggyback rides... and even though now he says he's able to; I simply don't think it's possible without him breaking his back in the process. So yeah, I wanna lose weight because I want a piggy-back ride. :( Desperately.

I'm doing just about everything that can help. I've decided to go Meatless once a week. Good for the environment, your digestive system and kind to the animals. Heck why not? Okay maybe I'm flattering myself too much. After all it's just once a week... but it's a huge deal for me! And once a week equals to 52 days a year of me not eating meat. That's not bad for a start? Don't count on me going completely vegetarian though, sorreh! And another which is to sleep early and wake up early T_T NOT POSSIBLE FOR ME! I just have difficulty sleeping, I've tried Yoga for Sleep and it worked for a few days. Somehow, I've developed immunity for it. I've tried self-hypnosis prior to that, same case. Now I'm loading some hypnosis video and relaxing music on Youtube. Hope this works.

Oh, also I want to blog more often. Reading archives makes me nostalgic. I have to be more candid this time around, I was so cryptic last time that now I have absolutely NO IDEA who I was referring to back then. Ka ka ka... and to be less emo-nemo. kthxbai!

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