Woke up today at 3 a.m. and rolled around till 7 a.m. :p By then I was pretty energetic and pretty much in a "taa-daaah" state where I can jump, dance and perform with jazz hands if required (which is a first this year, since I've been sick since NYE)
My sis was heading to the doctors and my mom thought I should tag along eventhough I swearz I was feeling better. Just the usual phlegm, though sad, pathetic me is horrible at getting rid of phlegm. My mom said I was wheezing so I'd better check.
The doctor held the stethoscope at my chest and I was breathing deeply then she asked some questions, mind you questions that needed long answers, so I was answering her then she scold "eh breath-lah!" She proceeded to ask me further questions -___- non-medical related sheesh!
So yeah, I'm wheezing... and um, having never had this before, I had no idea what it was. The first thing that came to mind was Wheezing Weasleys' something something from Harry Potter. :p
This is gonna be a long post, bertahanlah.
So the new set of meditation made me drowsy. Fell asleep and woke up still feeling woozy! Roar. Then my phone rang and it was a representative from Watson's, she needed to check whether I was the one who posted the entry "Drink up my smile!" (eh why did I come up with that stupid title. geli dengar!) and whether I still had the original receipt.
HOH. Jantung berhenti. Original receipt was from my mom, passed to me while I was wearing grey bag. Keluarkan to type the receipt number then put it down on the floor next to my bed. Did I put it in my grey bag back again? Because I did spring cleaning on that bag. -__-
"Do you need time to find your receipt?" YES! I said, 10 minutes will do. It has got to be in my wallet or I really don't know what. She told me the judges would like to doublecheck all finalists' has their original receipt before making a decision. Oh tak menang lagi... but there's a chance.
It wasn't in my wallet. It wasn't in my grey bag. It wasn't on the floor next to my bed. It just wasn't on the floor. I know, I've checked twice.
I was still not discouraged. This is Intan's bedroom we're talking about, the one who should have rightfully won Ikea's Messy Room competiton last year (I'm still bitter, screw yew!) It's a wonderland of trash that never really got thrown away. It has to be somewhere. IT'S ON THE DRESSING TABLE! *bangga*
Waited for the call back but I wasn't so excited. After all she told me the judges hasn't made the final decision yet. :D :D :D And when she called back, :D :D :D
:D :D :D
:D :D :D
I won third prize!!!! 30 seconds of shopping spree. 30 seconds of dgn tak malunya di khalayak ramai grabbing everything in sight! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Did I mention I need a new eyeliner?
And my sister, one day, looking at me seriously. "This" She held a Revlon Cylindrical Tube of Foundation to my face.
Remember this. I want this. Nak habis dah. Remeeeeemmmber!"
And my mother who chirped in that she wants Olay stuffs... and some other stuff. Then I went all huffy puffy to her and my sister, "Intan yang masuk competition"
"Mak punya receipt" hahahaha. mampos.
Okay, the reason why I wrote the note panjang lebar because facebook was mean to me just now!!! I can't access my profile at all... even from another account. I wanted to WRITE IN ALL CAPS LETTER AT MY STATUS THAT I WON... tapi facebook tak kasi masuk.. so saya merajok. Tulis panjang2 puas hati! Wekkkk..
I won! I won! (I know I won third place.. but it's so hard to say I won third place! I won third place) So yeah I won! I won!
To those who voted, thank you. To those who didn't, if you HAD voted.. maybe I could have won number 1 huh!!!! LOL.
I still think there might be a catch what do you think? They blindfold me or something? Heck, I'm going to scout that Watson's area beforehand.. pergi buat map and everything. HAHAHAHA.
Or or.. you can only take home what you can carry. I'm wearing outfit with lots of pockets and bra longgar. HAHAHUEHUAHUEHUAHUHEIUHIHAPSIJHOGBOPSJLD. Okeh, when I'm happy, I get silly.
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