Oct 10, 2010

Magika review.

It was accidental. I was scrolling through the facebook feed when I came across this video. 

I have never heard of Magika before, but I saw it was Syarifah Aleya & Amani so I clicked play. And if you clicked play above, you can see how cute they both are and how catchy the song is. The moving trees weren't so bad, and at first look the costumes were not bad. Ziana Zain@Nenek Kebayan was a bit over the top but as I watched the video for the tenth time (in a row, on the same day), it was quite acceptable. 

Watching the above video made me desperately wanting to watch the movie but it was also my undoing. :( From the above video, youtube recommended to watch the trailer so I did. The trailer sucks and it gave away everything. I knew Mawi was Badang and M.Nasir was the Penunggu Tasik Chini. Also it made me have high expectations for the movie....

After watching it today, it was pretty meh. Not bad, and maybe ever so slightly leaning on being quite good. 


Malik is grumpy-wumpy and hid in the forest. Ayu, his elder sister, came searching for him. Malik heard some music and fell into  a well which transported him to Magika. He was captured by Nenek Kebayan who wanted his tears for her Jamu Muda. Ayu went down to rescue him meeting a few characters until getting the help of Bad@Badang. Finally, the siblings manage to escape through the portal at Batu Belah Batu Bertangkup despite a dragon and a witch and a short dude. 

What I disliked
(starting with negatives first)

Maya Karin is uber pretty and I never expected to see so many of her! It was quite funny at first but it was then quite fun to watch. What I disliked was the small crown on top of her head. So unnecessary, didn't notice it in the youtube video but in the cinema screen it was annoying and distracting.

While we're on costume, I dislike Nenek Kebayan's sunflower at the back of her head. Doesn't fit. 

Falling in a well and then an explosion of colour purple as they were in the water just reminded me of Enchanted. :/ I think they shouldn't have used purple.

MAWI. Sorry, I'm not a fan. No hair, long hair; still not a fan. I never thought that he played such a prominent role in the movie. If he was, maybe they shouldn't have mentioned that he was Badang in the trailer. I think it would have been more fun for me to figure out who he was since he introduced himself only as 'Bad' to Ayu(main character).. DAMN YOU TRAILER! And he's not strong pun!!

Again, I think I would have liked it more if it had less Mawi. When Ayu first fell she met a few other characters, Pak Pandir, Mahsuri etc. They should have kept it like that. Songs that were sung by Ayu & Bad were so boring. 

All the rempit words they inserted. (examples: agak-agak, masyuuuk, etc) UGH. I hated the Senario part altogether.. painful to watch. Sorry but they're just not funny!!

What I liked

Despite not liking the Bad & Ayu thing, I thought they handled the ending well. I wouldn't approve of either going to the other world, they just don't belong! But the returning of the hairband and all the Ayu written on the trees was sweet and at least it comforted Ayu that Bad survived (the last Ayu left him, he was left to fend off the witch, the dragon and the short dude)
LOL. To be honest, I thought their ending would be Bad wearing Ayu's hairband. :p

Bawang Putih Bawang Merah! They should make a sequel, seriously! Maybe have them visit our world instead? Ahhh, kecomelan squared. I need more Adibah Noor too!

Fat and old Puteri Gunung Ledang. The exchange between her and that Kelantanese guy was funny too. 

All the characters were interesting, except for the Awang guy cause I'm not too familiar with the folklore maybe. The peribahasa incorporated were pretty good too. "Jangan sangka air tenang tiada naga" "Buayalah!" and "Hutang emas boleh dibayar, hutang budi..." love how that was important in the ending. 

M.Nasir. Not really a fan and again, I knew he was the dragon somehow.. so I wasn't really surprised but his singing is aweeeesome. I like how he gets angrier and angrier. 

The dragon has awoken! 

 Anyway, this is the first review I have ever written so it's a bit here and there. (Procrastinating from doing assignments). I hope Malaysian movies will keep on improving! :) 

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