Sep 16, 2010

Talking to the sky.

My friend went off to UK this morning to complete her final year. I feel really guilty for not sending her off, but I really wanted a day where I can sleep in. Waking up early is exhausting. Anyway, good luck Azdianur (if you are reading)! Can't wait to see you back here next year. :)

Once I had enough beauty sleep, I went out with Nurul. She picked me up and as we were reaching a bus stop, we saw a crazy woman sitting there.

We knew she was crazy because of her gestures. She was sitting by the street under the hot sun.

As we got closer, we had a shock, because we knew this lady!!

Back in 2006, right after SPM, Nurul and I worked at a restaurant. There, we met this woman. She was a bit annoying because she tends to nag non-stop. She was weird because she LIKES eating food that has expired, close to expired or spoiled in anyway. A mutual friend told us it was because she used to go through rough times and she salvaged any food and made sure that none got wasted. However, she has conditioned herself so much until it seems she prefers rotten food!
An example would be, a colleague bought curry puff for each employee. She refuses to eat her share even after us repeatedly telling her that it was specifically bought for her, so what we did was we left it at the counter. The next day, she promptly came by and ate it! She'd rather eat it a day old rather than fresh.

From what I remembered, she got divorced and her only daughter dislike her. Probably because she was naggy. Okay, how annoying is she? She's mopping the floor and I was blocking the way, she could have just said,
"Excuse me" and I would have gladly moved.

Instead, she tapped me at the shoulder, "Sorry ah. Sorry ah. I say nicely you jangan marah ah. I want to mop the floor, before the customers start coming in then the restaurant is clean, after this I mop in front and then mop again, but I need to mop here now. You move here ah. Sorry ah. Just need to mop this place bla bla bla"

But she's polite-lah, just that something simple she can make it so long and draggy.

Lost contact with her after the restaurant closed down.

I still can't shake that image of her crazy grin, talking alone at the side of the street. She looks really tan :( must have been out in the streets for a long time.

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